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RSD-17 CP 7007 |
Built by : MLW Built in :1957 Serial Number : 81603 Class : Demonstrator Paint Scheme : Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme This Photo : Peter Cox, 1957. From the Ron Visockis collection.
Other Photos (chronological) : 1. CP 8921 at Toronto, ON., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme. Photo by J. Wilson, 1979. From the E.D. Motis collection.
Notes : Built by MLW as RSD-17 #7007 (5/1957). This unit was painted in the Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme. Tested on CP between August 26, 1957 and November 2, 1957. The unit then went to CN where it tested as CN #3899 between December 19, 1957 and March 24, 1958. It then went to PGE, where it tested as PGE #624 between April 1, 1958, and October 15, 1958. It was purchased by CP on September 14, 1959, and renumbered to CP #8921. It was rebuilt and chop-nosed at CP Angus Shops, Montreal QC. (1988). Retired (5/1995), donated to the Elgin County Railway Museum, St. Thomas, ON. (1/1997). ___________________________________________________________________________________________